Incomposite interval

In music, since incomposite means undivided, an incomposite interval (diastēma, German: ungeteilte Intervall), "is a large interval which appears as a melodic step or second in a scale, but which is a skip in other parts of the scale."[1] Aristoxenus says, "Let us assume that in each genus an interval is melodically incomposite if the voice, in singing a melody, cannot divide it into intervals."[2]

For example the augmented second in the harmonic minor scale, on A, occurs as a step between F and G, though the equivalent minor third occurs elsewhere, such as a skip between A & C.


  1. ^ Chalmers, John H. (1993). Divisions of the Tetrachord, p.209. ISBN 9780945996040.
  2. ^ Barker, Andrew (2004). Greek Musical Writings, p.147. ISBN 9780521616973.